20 years of activity

About Serbian resuscitation council

The Serbian Resuscitation Council is an association of citizens, which by its nature is a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit, multidisciplinary scientific association.

Serbian Resuscitation Council

The Serbian Resuscitation Council is an association of citizens, which by its nature is a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit, multidisciplinary scientific association.

It unites and supports the endeavors of all organizations, associations and individuals engaged in practical, educational, scientific and research work and activities primarily in the field of resuscitation, resuscitation, critical periods before and intrahospital resuscitation and resuscitation.

It strives towards the unification of multidisciplinary fields, which through the realization of team work in the event of a sudden interruption of circulation, with preventive measures, will avoid the loss of the casualty, thereby striving to achieve safety for every individual in society, which safety will be provided by the knowledge and will of resuscitators and resuscitators acquired through continuous research, improvement and education.

Resuscitation, as well as the concept of reanimation, is not a heroic act, but a tool that modern medicine has given us in our hands to use with wisdom and apply as a general good for every individual. We are of the opinion that in this chain every single link is equally important and significant. We can achieve a common goal only as a team, when every link in the chain is equally strong.

The Resuscitation Council of Serbia deals with the transmission of the recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council and the algorithms of procedures determined at the scientific meetings of this body, which is the leader in this field in Europe, and the organization of courses and seminars where knowledge and skills in this field are acquired according to the standards of the European Resuscitation Council.

The Resuscitation Council of Serbia deals with sharing the experiences of others and finding its own solutions for the application of new technologies in the field of medicine, with a special interest in the field of emergency medicine.

The Resuscitation Council of Serbia meets twice a year. At the FALL AND SPRING conference, it determines the work plan and program, issues announcements, opinions and adopts a report on its previous activities. These sessions have the character of a scientific meeting in accordance with the standards of the Health Council of Serbia and are also called Autumn and Spring Symposium saverta

The Scientific Committee of the Resuscitation Council of Serbia meets once a year.

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