BLS Course - European Resuscitation Council (ERC)

Jedini međunarodno prepoznat kurs za Basic Life Support sprovodioce mera u Srbiji.
Jedini kurs zasnovan na kurs materijalima Evropskog resuscitacionog saveta u Srbiji

BLS Course - European Resuscitation Council (ERC)


The Basic Life Support (BLS) course organized by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) provides essential training in emergency life support techniques. This course is designed to teach participants how to effectively perform basic life-saving interventions, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), artificial ventilation, and basic airway management. It also includes training on the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and covers the fundamental skills needed to handle emergencies like cardiac arrest and respiratory failure.

Course Components Include

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Participants learn the correct techniques for performing chest compressions and rescue breathing. Use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED): Training on how to operate an AED to administer electric shocks in cases of cardiac arrest. Airway Management: Techniques for opening and maintaining airways and managing obstructed airways. Emergency Assessment: Instruction on how to quickly and accurately assess a patient’s condition and determine the appropriate emergency response.

Target Audience

The BLS course is intended for a broad range of individuals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge in emergency medical assistance. This includes: Healthcare Professionals: Such as doctors, nurses, and emergency medical technicians who want to improve their basic life support skills. First Responders: Including members of emergency teams, firefighters, police officers, and other individuals who are first on the scene in emergency situations. Workplace Employees: Who want to ensure the safety of their colleagues and clients by acquiring basic life support skills. General Public: Anyone who wishes to be prepared to assist in emergencies and commit to providing life-saving support until professional medical help arrives. The BLS course is crucial for anyone looking to be capable of responding effectively in emergency situations and providing essential life support until professional medical assistance is available


Kurs traje 5 sati

Kurs BLS je ključan za sve koji žele da budu sposobni da reaguju u hitnim situacijama i pruže efikasnu osnovnu podršku životu dok ne stigne profesionalna medicinska pomoć.

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